Going on, we always used to get late because of the 'night' drinking sessions and get scoldings frm the external supervisor, neverthless we always told him that we were studying and he always believed us.. A couple of instances which made him believe us was;
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Fun at Final Year BE Project - Part 2
Going on, we always used to get late because of the 'night' drinking sessions and get scoldings frm the external supervisor, neverthless we always told him that we were studying and he always believed us.. A couple of instances which made him believe us was;
Fun at Final Year BE Project - Part 1
To start off, we ofcourse decided a lil late that me & tony are going to do our final year project in a company and not inhouse for a few obvious reasons (which any EIE person should guess, if not refer to the 'Comedy Classes' post !) and I came up with the idea that we could get in BHEL as my dad's industry in trichy was doing work for BHEL. So far so good, we went to trichy and stayed in Hotel vignesh for a couple of days. We rented a room with tv in it and drank on the first day of arrival itself..Thts where it all 'started' ;). Then v contacted the Senior DGM who was my dads friend and he asked us to apply directly. So we went there and we were unfortunately told that they stopped givin projects for electronics guys and computer science guys just a month before. We were distressed as we had already started d project late and now we are in a position where v wont get it at all.. So we called up the SDGM again and told him that we are in a do or die situation and that we have no other hopes apart from this..So he helped us by gettin a reco from AGM which eventually got us inside!!
We were redirected to another DGM who was our external guide, a very knowledgable person by the name of Palanivel who had completed his Masters in Electrical from IIT. He gave us big books to read to get a feel of the project and since the AC in his room was making the room cold, antony as usual dozed off in his room as soon as he left, with the book in his hand :)!..We got rooms in a mansion in porur to minimise accomodation costs (of course to save more money, for other reasons :P). It was decent in that it had a couple of iron cots, a couple of tables & a hardly running fan.. The main feature of this mansion is its location, just outside of which it had three TASMAC shops in the same road with corresponding fast food centres opposite them!!. There was also a grocery shop next to the shop conveniently set to buy coke, karams and 1 rupee pickle for touching :D!
So where was I? Yeah, project..He told us to automate the Double Column Planing Machine and ofcourse told us to stand near the machine to study its entire operation so that we could get an idea of the various operations performed by it and later he would ask us questions based on our observations..Ofcourse we would hardly answer his questions and one fine he called tony as 'Kumarimuthu' :).. Then we would drink like 3 days a week, sleep late, get up late and always run late te report to the DGM and ofcourse get scoldings from him.. Both of us spent like Rs 1000 a week each, most of which would go for food expenses and travel charges (pun intended) ..
One of the bset drinking sessions was when we got 2 bottles, one MC and one 8 pm rum. As soon as the first round got over, tony put omelette and thus refused to drink further..I told him that I will not waste anything and drank up the rest..Naturally high on alcohol i went in a zig-zag manner and finally slept off to avoid damage to myself and others around me..:D
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Mahen the US mappilai
The pics speak for themselves..:D
I cudn upload the pics so i hyperlinked them. Check them out :)
Friday, 30 May 2008
--Comments Please !!! --

Well there was this certain point of time I realised that i was losing enthusiasm to blog anymore simply because MANY of our classmates just visit the blog and do not comment.. HELLO!! nobody is gonna bite you if you don't comment !! Its been like 2 years since we finished college, i still don't realise why ppl are still shy ?!
Anyway I thought I would delete the blog soon but I decided against it, atleast for the sake of those who put in their comments..
So hats off to those who aren't one sided and keep commenting !!
Friday, 23 May 2008
The heart of a Policeman

Just thought I d write a story for one of many inspiring people in my college life ( the real reason is that I made a graphic and thought I'd write a story on it :P) .. Its about my pal Karthi... Btw, to all of you, credits to nambi for showing me the site where i enhanced my graphic, from the amateurish 'Paint' application I always used before..
The Scene :
A college student decided to do Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering just because he was forced into it but his ambitions and interests were else where ( Don't think its girls..If you realise, he is the patent owner for "The LIFT policy" ). Nevethless he started off in college hostel making friends, majorly a large fan base because of his large collection of err....videos which he liberally distributed to all the hostel inmates without any 'boundaries'.. Naturally, for every deed there will be an opposite reaction ( Newdun's 3rd law ) and this anti-social element which I would like to call as 'Little-Pot' started to publicly embarass him in front of our classmates which stopped him from giving us the err..videos...
At the same time, which is always the case, every bad experience teaches new things in life. He embarked on a mission to stop what he had become a victim of. So in the mean time, in order to build up his capital he married a telugu girl and became a 'golti'.. Naturally, in order to keep up with his in-laws he spoke *butlar* telugu by adding '-lu' to whatever word he used, to give it the telugu effect.. For example : Naanlu orulu nallalu payanlu (Naan oru nalla payan in tamil), Orulu paththulu roobalu kadanlu kidaikumalu? (Oru paththu rooba kadan kidaikkuma?) and others *U can figure out the rest anyway!!*. This gave him the name Golti Karthi in the first semester..
Neverthless, his mission to stop 'PIRACY' was at the back of his mind and he was masterminding the plans to go about it. To start off, he assumed dual roles, one of them is Vijay *without the spectacles, with contact lenses* in the morning and the other is Madhan Bob *with the glasses* so that nobody could figure out his true identity on and off college. Apart from that, he used to get up in the morning and run 10 rounds around the college playground to keep his physique in perfect shape.
Finally after 4 years of strenuous effort, he wrote his IPS exam and finally became a police officer, which was his long term dream. Still in his dual role, one for the world and one his real face, he works as Engineer in Rockwell Automation in the morning but secretly is Karthik selvan I.P.S, Special Wing, Video Anti-Piracy Squad., combatting the circulation of err...videos that he was once victimized by..
Our salutations to this sincere police officer of Infosys Police Station.. JAI HIND!!
## Guidlines for long life ##
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Credits : The Author
Thursday, 15 May 2008
What are they thinking ??.. ~ Part 2
And zat eez all for now... More to follow !!
What are they thinking ??.. ~ Part 1

Friday, 9 May 2008
Kudigaran Paechi Pozhudu Vidinja Pochi (KPPVP) - DAY 2

Sriram utters the famous dialogue "In control da mama" (Tenkasi padathla maadu get-up podum both Charlie barley thanni adichi 'In-control' aiduvaaru la andha maadhiri) :P and started dancing for RHCP songs (naturally cuz he was in control!!). Sathya started doin exercises..( Ore peelingsu..) Samson put a Haafbaayil in the bathroom..We din hv any action in our room unfortunately..:(!
Anyway next day was another industry visit but naethiki adicha mappu innum yerangala and v were kinda oscillating but not noticably (thappu senjaalum naeka seiyanum)..We decided to dispose off the bottle and cigs the same way we went outside with the bag and chucked it in the bin.. Due to antony's repeated pursuasion we drank on day 2 as well but just Group 2...By this time Group 1 and 2 knew that we are all 'Ore kuttaiyila uzhundha mattais' and we got together in the same room after the Iskool attendance..about 10 of us.. Wine was going in rounds and whisky was for the 4 of us..:)..Then suddenly our TONY remembers in that mappu tht he din read Bible tht day..so he scurries..puts on the reading light and starts blurting out bible verses ( Watta man!! Enna koduma sir idhu? ) Un kadamai unarchiki oru alave illaya? All of us started laughing and teased the life outta him....I am still reminded of a similar stint that he did durin our project in trichy when he started puttin candles around Mother Mary's pic and started praying before we started d poojai..Thus d name 'Bottle' tony.. We had a gr8 time, the entire bunch in dim light and in tht dinky room.. Late in the night after much talking we retired t our rooms..
We cudn dispose off the bottles in the same way, as we were boarding the train that evening...So we put in my bag and dumped it in the tracks when the train started running..
No idea wat happened to group 3 a.k.a Ambalavana Swamigal ...!
AND that is ALL...:D
Feel free to shout out ur comments !! ChEeRs!
Kudigaran Paechi Pozhudu Vidinja Pochi (KPPVP) - DAY 1

Just as i was collecting pics for another 'UN-RELATED' but interesting Off-College post, Carrot Dude *Alias X-Logu* reminded me of the hyderabad tour and one of the reasons that made the tour memorable for a select group of people which would have turned boring otherwise ;)..I wouldnt have written about it a year and a half ago for obvious reasons viz. Lecturers knowin about it and our gr8 college imposin new rules JIC the incident went public and further complications of such kind..
Starting off.. There were 3 groups of people who decided to booze in the tour, one group had pre-planned arrangements ;) for poojai/katchaeri and the other group, though had a plan but werent prepared for the poojai..Even the third group wasnt prepared for it.. Secondly, none of the groups knew at first that the other was drinking...
Its better that I name the people in the group else I d confuse you with the generics and I m pretty sure "The naive people" are pretty much intrigued as to know who they were.. So here goes !! :)
Group 1 : Logu, Sam, Swami, Sriram, Sathya and Baskar (*Tamizh Kudimagan a.k.a Drinks THALA*).
Group 2 : Bharath, Ramki, Antony and me. :D
Group 3 : Dhanavel (*Singam le saaru!*)
During our usual assembly in the station where most of us were with our parents, I noticed Tamizh Kudimagan and Carrot Dude slyly moving out of the crowd into the busy central station road connecting Moor market where *Namma Ilaignarin Kashtathai Purinji* kattuna TASMAC shop was there..Ofcourse i din know this at that point and took lightly of it. :).. They bought of the 'requisites' and carried it with them on the tour in drinks THALA's bag.. As usual we went on a tour durin the day to some medicine manufaturing company and some thermistor manufacturing company ( Don worry, ll write abt our tour later!! :)) and we came back in the evening..
We were 4 in a room, so the respective groups set it up so that the required people shared the same room.. *No offense, Easwar..Now u knw why i din join with you ;)*..Heading straight off to dinner, Group 2 (that's us) made a lame excuse to Mr.LJ that the food was pathetic in the morning and that we did not wish to eat dinner in that restaurant!! (Damn it was pathetic food there, anyway!).
Group 1, having had their bottles needed the *SIDE-DISHES* alone viz. Oorugai's and Chicken biriyanis went out and got their stuff ( I don knw the specifics of it cuz i dono :-/).. What we did was take tony's string bag..roam around a bit with the 2 native hyderabadi's (Leaders first :P) lookin for AASMAC's (summa rhyming kaaga).. Obvious we found it and purchased the Poojai saamangal and put a couple of thiruttu dhums and went to get the side-dishes from a local hotel..Scared that we 'might' get caught, we decided to empty the drinks into corresponding sprite bottles (which eventually failed and it ended up with the hotel thinking that Bharath and Ramki were gays ****censored****) ;).. We put all of it in tonys bag and returned back to our room, ofcourse takin care that nobody saw us esp. the lecturers..(we went one at a time to not to cause suspicion..enna panrathu enga moola avala thaan vela seiyum athuvum at tht point of time)..went into our rooms and dumped it in my bag..
Meanwhile Mr.LJ aka Jerlaak Holmes gets a doubt tht Group 1 plans to drink during the party (I m guessing its thru some 'JING-JAK' informer of his *No offense to whoever that is*), knocks the door, goes in and asks for a glass of water to drink and smells the glass *pretty peculiarly* to check if there's alcohol in it and drinks the water( Gimme a break, how amateurish can u get? ).. Since his hearsay doubt din hold enuf proof, he eventually left..
I haven told u about Group 3.. Mr.Dhanvela Singam goes to a pub, gets himself drunk and passes out in his room.. I was told that he scolded Mr.Jerlaak Holmes in bad words when he woke him up :D.. Anyways there were quite a number in my room who were watchin tv and we had to obviously wait for them to leave.. After tht we needed to check Mr.Jerlaak Holmes was awake o not..so antony & me went out and luckily he was in the corridor and chased us in sayin that he was gonna take attendance (Iskool pasangala naanga ellam).. He came in about 11 30 pm, took attendance and left.. We opened the windows for the smell to go off, finished the kutchaeri and slept..
Day 2 continues next...
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Lucky IT guys :D!
Fat pay packets, junkets and lavish lifestyle have made Information Technology professionals the most sought after in the matrimony market, leaving others to sweat it out to win a bride.
“Until a decade ago, there was a great demand for grooms in banking sector as it was considered a secured and peaceful job. But today, the IT men are the hottest in the marriage market,” says Murugavel Janakiraman, CEO of bharatmatrimony.com, a leading matrimony portal.
While men generally settle down for a good-looking, educated and caring bride, women look forward to a spouse who is well settled, capable of providing financial security.
With bulging pay packets and soaring career graph, the IT grooms are the ideal choice now, he adds.According to a recent survey, about 70 per cent of youngsters prefer arranged marriages, leaving their parents to have a major say in matrimonial matters.Surprisingly, grooms with government jobs are no more the favourites of elders and IT professionals have now become their blue-eyed boys.
Shanmugam, a marriage broker, says people are even prepared to spend beyond their capacity on a lavish marriage and extra dowry for a groom in the IT field.Showing a bunch of biodata and horoscopes, he says about 70 per cent of them belong to IT professionals as the “demand” was very high. They are the popular choice even for girls in non-IT sectors, he adds.
At the age of 24, an IT professional can easily afford an apartment, car and a comfortable living, which may be an uphill task for his peer in any other field.Shyam, a diploma holder working in a non-IT firm as systems engineer with almost nine years of experience, has been drawing a “decent salary” of Rs 16,000 per month.But, he learnt the ground realities the hard way when he started searching for a bride two years ago.
“I was looking for an engineering graduate but I realised that my salary is not good enough to win a bride as the expectations are too high in the marriage market,” he says.Pointing out that even freshers in the IT field are drawing around Rs 20,000 per month, his friends are advising him to switch over to that sector.Now in his late 20s, Shyam has joined part-time BE course to get a bride at least if not an IT job.
The case of Ramachandran is no different. Working as a sub-editor in a media organisation, he is earning Rs 13,000 per month.“I’ve posted my biodata on matrimony websites, but the response has not been encouraging. And the very first query that raises is about my monthly salary,” he rues.He feels educated well-salaried girls have now become out of reach for “commoners” like him.
Though the IT boom has ushered in economic empowerment of lakhs of youngsters, it has also created an imbalance among the youth as privileged and under-privileged, he remarks.
Source: EconomicTimes
Apdina engaluku ellam kalyaname aagatha? :P ( m just kidding !!)
Lecturer Nicknames :)

I had already put this list up in our orkut groups but anyway lets make this even more public :P.. I m not mentioning names for obvious reasons.. Any doubts/queries plz do e-mail me..:D
1. Nalana Thalayan
2. Bokka Vayan
3. Kona Vayi Poochi Payan
4. Electric Guitar
5. Thirutu Muli *********
6. Karimedu Karivayan
7. Minnal
8. Chitoor Paalgova
9. Panji-K
10. Sornakka
11. Simple Pendulum
12. Half Baniyan
13. Pocket Billiards
14. L***** ** ****
15. Kambili Poochi
16. Aaayah
17. Dye ********
18. Trouser Paandi
19. Aatha
20. Kaalikulasion
21. Mokka***
22. *** Sundari
23. Super *****
24. Question Paper
25. Bonda Vayan
26. Kosu
27. OB B.E, OB M.E, OB Ph.D (athulayum athina subject layum failu)
28. Omelette thalayan
29. Elumbu
I ve starred a few to hide the identity which d be pretty obvious had I not done it.. So ll give u the benefit of the doubt!
If u can remember more..I am always glad to add it. :)
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Expect the unexpected ...
Starting off.. I had applied for a couple of Australian Universities, One of which is UQ - Masters in Telecom & Networking by Research and the other one being the current one i'm studying in.. As soon as i saw the word 'Research' i refused it cuz padikarathe periya vishiyam ithula research vaera oru kaedu..:)
I picked this one cuz there was no research involved and all u had to do was do the units and do a project.. At this point, I got my project which is a new technology in Subsea Installation so its goin to be purely research !! *Enna koduma sir ithu*.. I got what i really hated!..Apart from this I decided on specialising in Petroleum Engg at first for the sole reason that Offshore Engg involved mathematical modelling and DSP concepts ! ( DSP was another subject I hated the most in Under-Grad for obvious reasons !).. Enna panrathu I had to take offshore for 2 reasons..One of them being that Subsea, which was the only line related to Instrumentation required an Offshore Engg background *Enna koduma sir ithu, again* and secondly there was only 1 supervisior for Petroleum in my Univ and none of them have got jobs as yet !
So here I am, in Offshore Engineering, doing mathematic modelling using Wave theory and Stokes Theory..Apart from that I got a teaching job like i mentioned before and I could find students firing me with doubts, sleeping, talking, getting up in the middle of the class and leaving et al.. Ithu ellam naanum pannum bothu enaku puriyalaye?!..Now i feel how our "ANNAMALAI UNIV" ME graduate exchange program staff would ve felt the same way..So frm now onwards I will NEVER tease our UG lecturers..EVER
( Jus kidding :P)!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
~Random Imaging~ PART 1

More to follow ...!!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Kambu Kootu Kulla Scentu Factory (KKKSF)

Ok starting off, Gokul to keep up with the trend got himself a Nk 1100 with a Hutch prepaid connection ( the 98845 series ) and was pretty careful in givin out his mobile number to others as he din want ppl to give his number to girls who ll call him and torture him thereby makin him lose concentration on his studies...( DUh!!)
Anyway a lil intro about Gokul aka 'Thunder armpit'.. He was also called Akulnath, Anikulnath and Snowkulnath respectively.. He was particularly interested in cold places like Himalayas for 2 obvious reasons ;).. I could damage his repute at this point but that would dilute the essence of the prank we played on him..So ll save it for later..:D
I cant remember some parts of the story, however ll write as much as I can remember... As usual raghu & me were the ones involved :D in this prank and this was at a time when 'Aircel' had unlimited free local sms to all mobiles.. I still believe the both of us drove aircel to a total loss by sending the maximum no of sms's in a day :P ( My mob no : 9841613684 / Fact : The sms counter in my sony ericsson mobile reads 57,600 within 10 months of buyin it !) that we got a 100 sms/day limit..
I dont remember how we got his number or why we picked on him to play the prank (may be raghu could help me out !) ..I m just guessing we got the number from 'Mundhanai Mudichu' K.Bhakyaraj aka Gopinath.. Well me & raghu teamed up to tease gokul ( we had done it before when swami tried to pull a stint and we ended up screwing his happiness :D !!) and we started to msg him at random ofcourse since our sms's were free..We did come to know that he had a soft corner for anitha ;) and pulled priyanka's name as the other girl and started creating a scenario like both of em were gawkin for him !! ;).. Unfortunately (and fortunately for us) he fell for it hook, line & sinker...He was basically amazed at first as to how these girls got his number which he had kept a secret (raanuva ragasiyam illaya?!) but enna panrathu Oru MANMADHANukkaga ponnunga alayirathu sagajam thaane?!
Anyways back to de story, He believed that both of em were smsin him and we could pretty much observe a change in his attitude ( basically he started to think too much too of himself ) and he used to walk head high into class... And ofcourse me & raghu made a deal to send each other a copy of the sms's sent to him and the corresponding replies..He was on cloud 9 that Anitha (who he had a soft corner for) was smsin (lame-o) him and there was this incident when he found he found out tht she had a fever o somethin and sent an sms to raghu like "I know u have fever that's why I prayed for you" (Romantic isn't it :D)..Another incident was in one of our university labs when he shyly went and asked a doubt to her (nelinjifying :P) .. I had the chance to observe it and i conveyed it to raghu who sent an sms like "Thanks for your concern abt me..I wanted to thank you when u came to ask a doubt to me..".. This kinda went on in the romantic way for some time but he always used to reject my sms's, replying rudely always simply cuz he preferred to sms raghu ..
I m guessin he din sleep that night (Pachai nirame...Sakiiye..Snegithiye...etc...:P).. There was this time he started sending 'Dating' service msg's to me and raghu , those dumb service msgs u get if u have a hutch connection ( What was he thinking ???!! )..Everyday we used to get those dating msgs ( Kadhal panrathu na thaan sindhichi kavidhai eludhanum, mokka madhiri service msg ellam forward pana kudathu, wat do u say ? )..This leg pulling went on for like a month and a half and all we could notice was his EGO bloat and drastic attitude change and one fine day he sends the famous (infamous) to Raghu (Anitha) as "MANASU VALIKIDHU...., PURINJIKO..." :P (Idhu kooda SETHU padathilendhu sutta dialogue!!). We couldn take it anymore so we decided to break the ice and we basically scolded him back *censored*.. He eventually found out our numbers from classmates and threw his mobile and disconnected his connection..
*From Raghu* - He gave a romantic look to priyanka ( Metukudi padathla goundamani karthik kitte nagmakku 'romantic look' uttu kaamipaaru le andha madhiri !! :)) thinking she was smsing him :D
He never used a mobile till the end of our course.. * THE SAD ENDING * of a PRANK :P
Friday, 18 April 2008
Family Planning !!

*Family planning is not "Kudumba Kattupaadu" so don get the wrong idea about Prathap - I m actually praising him*
To start off, I have read many articles in newspapers and general columns about youngsters like us not starting our own business and becoming enterpreneurs but pretty satisfied with our jobs and continue to work as employees theoughout our lives.
One such exception is Prathap and his idea of business development and product outline really impressed me..None can think BIG like him , atleast in our age.. We might be seein another Ambani soon..
Anyway as you all know, Prathap has resigned his job in wipro even though it was in VLSI which is an upcoming technology to join Robert Bosch to do "Automobile Electronics" design. Prior to this, he sent Nivedana to US to study "Industrial Engineering" as part of his master plan..
Relating both words, we get his simple plan to start an "Automobile Industry" using comcepts of "Electronics Engineering" ( yeah again back to P-N junction diode, signals, transistors and the like).. His vision was to launch a two wheeler by the name "JUNCTION BIKE" JB(TM) ..
Whats special about this bike? How can it compete when top runners like scooty, spirit and others are on the market.?
The reason here is electronics..It utilises the concept of telepathy (ESB, MSI, POC etc..) to reduce the length of the seat depending upon the degree of charisma between the boy and the girl..This means better the romantic spark between boy and girl, the shorter the length of the seat and vice versa..So if your seat is the size of a 15 cm ruler, you d know better :).. This bike uses signals and diodes so than the P-N junction can be used to forward bias and reverse bias the seat length :P
He plans to call the bike "Lover-420" and the name of the company would be "PN Automobiles India" and is equipped with a free 'Dating Manual' exclusively signed by Prathap bsed on his dating experiences..
The vehicle is set to hit indian roads soon and prathap is still working on the wheatstone bridge part of it..
Fianlly, hats off to this future enterpreneur for his continuing services!!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Subject Torture !!
One of the exams were on Petroleum Geology basically dealing with things like Sedimentary rocks, Metamorphic rocks, Seismic Surveys, Fault detection, Geological Analysis of exploration wells, Layering, Cementing , Compaction of friable mud ..(Arnt u feelin sleepin already ??) which basically dates back to the subject I hated the most in school - Geography. Like they always say "What goes around, comes around", this unit was the epitome of intoxicating sleep induction.
One of the ways I avoided sleep during this period of exam preparation is by saying catchphrases of funny incidents.. Two of my favorites at the moment are :
1. Jetti jetti bun jetti what jetti do you choose ? ( This was cuz one of my roomies throwing used underwear all over the bathroom )
2. Kuththunga yejaman kuththunga..Intha ponnungale ippadithan. (Frm one audio clip sent to me by swami / sathya ;) )
3. Yov unoda kadaila irukka appala thatta kanala nu azhalayaa..ennoda appana kaanum nu aluvuren..
If anyone of you have insomania (lack of sleep), I would definitely mail u the links of Petroleum Geology lectures and guarantee u sound sleep in the first 10 minutes of listening to it.. :) or MONEY BACK GUARANTEED!!
This certainly reminds me of Antony sleeping in HOD's class and eventually going to Priyandarshini ma'am (Personality development) and asking her how to avoid sleeping in class.. She asks antony to quit eating heavy food and start on eating breads..Big deal!..Antony still slept in class intoxicated by HOD's soothing voice.. Another incident related to this was in Raj Narain's VLSI class when Mr.Bomber Man (*Explanation not provided*) was as usual sleeping ( HOD e madhikirathu illa ivan ellam enathuku!) when suddenly koti tricked him and woke him up sayin tht Narain pointed a question to him.. The result is a half dazed and petrified antony getting up and both narain & antony are looking bewildered (Narain thinks : Yenaku kooda ivalo mariyadhaya??, Antony thinks : Okkamaka thookatha keduthutaan da panada) :D
I accept that I sleep in class considering the fact I am awake till the morning (even now) but i use the GLASS REFLECTION TECHNOLOGY (Analogous to Watch - Sight Technology) like few others in class to sleep.
Alternatively the best way to avoid sleep would be to eat in class ..(Hey atleast your brain isnt working, leave your mouth to do ur work :P)
Concluding all of this I would say lack of sleep is bad quoting from an experience I underwent when taking class for undergrads..My mind was blank because of overload of petroleum geology, OG Transmission and Fluid Mechanics and I was literally blabbering when explainin the concept of "Fluid phenomena on an arbitrary curved surface"..As misfortune knocks, one of the students started firing doubts and I was in total confusion despite the simple answer for the doubt..Eventually I couldnt answer the doubt, save the embarassment after that :(
Anyway just a random post before I write about prathap's strategical development and gokulnaths famous dialogues !!
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Different Routes :)
Considering this, I thought i would write about how each one of us and their fields they are working on.. Starting from the ones who are abroad to the ones who are working right now..
Raghuveer - VLSI
Dhanavel - Nanotechnology
Me - Offshore Engineering
Mahendran - Biomedical Engineering
Masco - M.E
Nivedana - Industrial Engineering
Samson - Robotics & Automation
Kalyan - Lecturer
Rajaraman - Electronics
Sasi Kumar, Karthi - Automation
Kumaran, Bharath, Koti, Baskar, Prem, Logu, Haja, Nambi, Avinash, Gopinath, Sasikala & Muthumeenakshi - Electrical & Instrumentation
Shivaraman, Sunitha, Annamalai, Ramakrishna - Embedded systems
Sathya, Om sakthi, Bhuvaneswari, Smriti, Shruthi, Sivaranjani, Priyanka, Balachander, Sridharan, Anitha, Madhan, Senthil.B, Gayathri, Pradeepa, Srilena, Antony,S.K, Sangeetha, Priyadarshini, Easwar, Muthu Krishan, Smriti and Aravind - IT
Jagadeesh, Sharmila, Geetha Priya, Prathap and Sampath - VLSI
I missed out a few cuz i donno wat they are upto and the ones above are as my little brain can remember :P
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
-- Punch Dialogues --
Ok..Here it goes...
1. "Manasu valikidhu.....Purinjiko..."
2. "Aenge unge DLD mark e paathen... Unge DLD notes e konjam kudukireengala..??"
3. "Machan ava paakurathuku ftv figure mathiri irukka da"
4. "In control da mama" - Courtesy : Hyderabad Tour Day 2
5. "Err...Where is the turn court ??"
6. "I will hang my underwear on the moon !!"
7. "Enakku daaaaa...Enakku onnu kudraaaaaaaa...Dei...Thank you very much!!" - @ some placement in Sathyabama :)
8. "Please tease me with someone else"
9."Dei I am going to become a priest da"
10. "Macha wat is prism da when did our college ve library how can court turn what does babe mean..And lastly what has my underwear got to do with the moon..And yes lastly go have some tea it will help you relax..." Extract frm one of the sms's i got :)
More to follow..
Pudhu Pozhappu
Apart from this, I have to do 3 days of my regular part time work from 9 am to 4 pm ( I am learning norwegian right now as one part of my job is to get prospective clients from norway..As you know learning a new language is a big headache !!)... This basically leaves me with partly one day of free time as I have classes from Monday to Thursday...To top it all I have started my project in "Pendulous Installation method of subsea manifolds" (just for info, forget the jargon !! :D) which is a 32 point project out of the total 96 credits i have to complete to satisfy my course completion criteria..
Apart from this I have scheduled meetings for my tutorial co-ordinator and project co-ordinator to discuss on the progress of the respective cases..The only free time would be the weekends in which I have to do literature review for project, study for exams and complete my assignments...( Did i say my only source of entertainment was having a good meal in KFC saturday nights ?!)
Well it keeps me up and going and for all of you who think going abroad to study is just for pass time and for those who got fooled by those pics uploaded in orkut here is the real scenario and difficulties of studyin abroad, a little bit of which we wouldnt have faced had we done masters in India.. :'(
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Torchlight man :D
This incident happened in his house in the middle fo the night when he was watching 'saami padam'. After successful completion of the movie at about 2 am in the front hall of his house in the dark, he gropes for the torchlight, creeps to his parents bedroom and flashes the torchlight on his mum's face to check if she is still awake after his 'secret operation' had been performed...
The next day mornin his mum comes up to kumaran and goes like "Enna pa intha payan night thoonga modhu en moonjila light adikiraan !!" ;)..And thus came the name 'LIGHT HOUSE' sasi ...
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Committed to her OR Committed to hers ??
Its something I had been observing ever since I landed here in Perth 9 months ago and just thought I d put it up so that all of you can put out your comments or views in it ..
Most of the guys here mostly studying with me and mostly Masters guys ( I would say 90% ) have girlfriends in INDIA... Every other guy i ask is 'COMMITTED' to a girl who is in an IT company (mostly) in India or in Call centers.. Its become so common that getting committed is some everyday activity, which is pretty natural to any guy doing his studies abroad, and will eventually get a job there.. (not that i wana criticise the fact..but m puttin out my views in it).
Is it because the girls in India are attracted to guys stayin abroad (primarily because of the money power) OR the guys are able to attract girls in India easier than they were had they been in India ??!
Anyway MOST of the so-called 'COMMITTED' indian guys here in perth do not seem to adhere to their 'COMMITMENTS' in India and go to Pubs, Discos, Foam parties and Stripteases... Are the girls gettin 'FOOLED' by the money and their luxurious afterlife OR are the guys doin a little 'experimenting' before turnin back to their 'COMMITTMENTS' back in India??
Its kinda intriguing to me anyway ..!! Wat do u ppl say ?!
Friday, 21 March 2008
Class Pairs :-/

Well here it goes.. to all the class GIRLS who were naive about who they were 'teased' with or were aware about it but pretended not to know ;)
Om Sakthi - Suganya
Sathya Narayanan - Rekha, Sunitha
Kumaran - Supriya, Nagajothi, Lisa Mathew, Anuthama Motilal
Masco - NIL
Baskar - Amudha, Geetha Priya
Shivaraman - Shobana, Bhuvaneswari
Koteswaran - Smriti, Shruthi
Haja Mohideen - Rekha
Prathap - Nivedana, Randip, Sivaranjani, Mahalakshmi, Sivankini and Priyanka
Ramakrishna - Sharmila
Raghuveer - Muthu Meenakshi
Avinash - Nivedana
Balachander - Rekha
Sridharan - Nivedana
Bharath Gopalakrishnan - Priyanka
Samson - Geetha Priya
Gokulnath - Anitha,Priyanka
Premnath - Sharmila
Madhan - Smriti
Kalyan - ******
Senthil.B - Gayathri
Gowri Shankar - Premalatha
Nambi - Sharmila, Pradeepa
Karthikeyan - Srilena
Sriram - Nivedana, Sasikala, Aarthy, Pavithra, Premalatha
Swaminathan -Rekha, Pradeepa
Gopinath - Sivaranjani
Antony - Sivaranjani
Rajaraman - Sathya (IT), Shruthi
S.K - Velammal, Priyanka
Sampath - Sangeetha
Dhanavel - Akilandeswari
Annamalai - Priyadarshini
Mark Rohan - Shruthi
Easwar - Priyanka, Gayathri
Muthu Krishan - Smriti
Mahendran - Nivedana
Aravind - Vedhavalli sivaprakasham, Lisa mathew ,all girls and female teachers
Jagadesh - Janani
Sasi Kumar - Sasikala
Loganathan - Rekha
Again if anyone has any prob .just put me an email and i will delete it... Thnx again :)
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Super-man ( Sappar Man )

A lil intro about Rajaraman : One of the studious guys in our class, wit quite a high percentile in exams, so much that he performs well in cycle tests and other internal tests.. In his past time, this walking encyclopedia spends time in his bathroom inventing new technologies to sight and impress girls.. One outcome of this neverending venture is the "WATCH-SIGHT (WS)" technology. This can be shown by the illustration above. For this we can consider the layout of our class and how he uses his watch to sight..
Another incident tht can be related It dates back to the days in third year when we went for our FAMOUS hyderabad tour.. It was when (to make a long story short ;) ) our famous 'Multimedia' Gilli (Palli) raman got mokkai frm Nivedana when he tried to present her with a saree, which he took pains carefully selecting.. I was told she went like "Sorry, I dont wear sarees !! " :P.. I still don remember y he was called 'Multimedia' (If anyone can remember why i can update it)...
Well, the next best thing abt rajaram is his continuous visits to the gym to put on weight , in steps of 0.0000001 kg and tells the whole world how proud he is that he has put on weight.. His initial weight loss was due to AIDS ( Eppadi irundha pulli raja ippadi ayitaan !! ).. It was then he decided to put on weight by going to the gym .. He drastically started puttin on weight (yeah, in steps of 0.0000001 kg), but little did he realise that his increase in weight was due to the fact he was wearin jeans instead of shorts :P
Right now he is workin in GDA doing research (apart frm his research in the bathroom) to effectively increase his weight to steps of 0.000002 kg and feel even more better about it :D
Adding the little titbit frm easwar.. "He was also called 'Angel-boy'. That happened in the 7th semester when nivedana went to stage to talk abt something when Mr.Watch Sight (on my left) got restless. When I asked him wat was wrong, he breathed a sigh of relief and said Nivedana luks like an 'angel' and henceforth he was called ' the angel-boy'... the song 'Girl, you're my angel' (by Shaggy) was dedicated to him. And whenever watch boy went to the stage to talk, he never used to luk at the boys side of the class (which is pretty obvious :D). he mostly concentrated on the right wing back bench-warmers... oh sorry back benchers"
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Comical Classes

The next class would be "Robotics & Automation" by Mr.Insect Boy.. What a genius he is, he is fit to teach in IIT's or even Harvard!!.. He would come to class, copy off every single line, including diagrams and write em on d board..It does require guts to pull off somethn like this depite him knowin v have d same book and to top it all HOD appreciates him for handling the subject..TO add to our misery he uses a loudspeaker and a mic so that v can listen to his classes better (duh, I d rather read frm the book than listen to him read it to me !!).. I, including many others selected this elective to learn about the technology behind which robots work but it ended in disappointment as some lame idiot (Mr.Karimedu Karivaayan) played spoil-sport.
Another class which intrigued me was Industrial Chemical Process.. All i could remember was smriti takin the case study of Tannery Industry like 5 times and some others (including me) taking the Power plant operation a few times..Then one fine day Mr.LJ comes into class and says "Surprise, suprise !! Thus i ve completed the portion for ICP!!, All the best for your exam".. I still wonder if he took class for that unit in that semester...Neverthless, from past experience of his valualbe teaching ( from Electron Devices) all of were aware of what was coming and we cleared ICP anyway :)
The last of the top 4 comical classes is by Mr.Raj Narain - The VLSI God (Analogous to Madhan(Mokka/Matching Madhan) - The Microprocessor God)..He would come into class and write on the board pretty vigorously (he used to sweat in the process, showing how much time he took to copy it off the local author book), then turn toward and explain to himself how the stuff works (May be we should study telepathy before doing VLSI so that we can mind-read or may be purchase some hearing-aids :P)..Neverthless he was in his own world and we were in ours and used to give a satisfactory smile after every lecture ( I guess he impressed himself thoroughly..:D)
As Raghu reminded me of our course in "Industrial Automation", i would rate in top 5 comical classes and write about it...As Law of Velammal states " Thou shalt be punctual and give 100% attendance at all times even if u are sick or are in calamity, especially if u are doing IN-HOUSE projects :P", we were asked to be punctual as attendance was taken for it.. It was in the '5-Crore' library building (U cud identify wats worth in it for a 5 crore project, for one) where the systems were loaded with a FREEWARE software called Keyence ( If ur IT enuf, u cud scour up hundreds of free ladder logic proggie's on d net!! ) and taught us kids stuff like LOGIC GATES ( Helloo , we already learnt tht in skool and also in Digital Logic theory ) and 3 ppl to clear our doubts for it.. The best part came when SCADA started ..This time the software was SHAREWARE and had a 2 hour demo limit ( Which lame idiot course offers you practice and conceptual learning on a demo software..I still suspect Mr. Navin (Owner of Dubakoor Automation Pty Ltd) downloaded the demo off the internet and installed it on our college PC..This shrinks our practice time to 2 hours and the course was a mere time pass.. The irony of this is that the E&I department signed a department signed an MoU with this cheat.. I think the department staff were satisfied to get the course fee down to Rs 2500 (when initially it would have costed Rs 7500 otherwise.. U d be the biggest loser in the world had u done this shitty course for 7.5K !! X-( ) when infact the guy made us waste our time for no goddamn reason (A big applause to those who din get cheated by this !).. The topping was the DCS part in which i have no clue of what he taught us..I still remember there was one day of on-board lecture and thus it satisfied the criteria on our ceritifcate that says "DCS" !.. Anyway tht certificate is not worth a thin dime and it can be used as toilet paper alone :D!
I still think Velammal has signed and MoU with Annamalai University so that they can do "R&D" with fresh graduates from there by making them take classes for us (To find out how students can get good results without teaching the subjects- Kinda negative psychology thingi i guess)..
Monday, 10 March 2008
Electronic Telepathy =)

One guy who can never be forgotten for his female fans following is Prathap.. Every girl in E&I and other departments , including juniors had their eyes on him...Statistics show that there is a significant increase in female workers in the IT industry (especially Wipro) after Prathap got placed.. This has led to such adverse effects that people are getting kicked out from IT companies due to over-flooding of female employees (one example being the recent fiasco at TCS)..
Anything electronic can be related to Prathap, starting with "P-N junction diode" (which was his Univ exam lab experiment), just after this unofficial "Notty boy" was named so by Shivaraman.. It was the start of the set of 'meaningful' ;) abbreviations that can be related to him..A few of em tht i cud remember are :
ESB - Existing signal betrayal
MSR - Multiple signal reception
NSI - New signal intake
POC - Point of correlation
After this died down, his interest in playing shuttle during the TIES period cause him to take interest in Table Tennis Bats which resulted in "The Chinna bat - Periya Bat scandal" :P ( Pls ask him wat it is as I cant explain more )!!
Then after topping the class in the semester exams, his interest shifted to class toppers in the juniors and their interaction with them.. It was after this, he saw 'someone' in a nighty, which disturbed his sleep soo much that he din do well in the cycle tests ( More elaboration can be asked from Prathap ofcourse ).. And last (but NEVER the least :P) is an sms to 'another someone' saying "HI GIRLFRIEND" after he got into Wipro...
This led to the construction of Prathap's bridge (analogous to Wheatstone bridge) in memory of hi continuing services..
Gutsy One-Liners
Here are a few instances that come into my mind..
1. Sriram to Nandagopal (Kambili Poochi) / Chemistry - "Baba - Cinema, Cinema", which made him complain to shahil that the musician's son was doin "unwanted" stuff in class
2. Antony calling LJ "Poda M****" after he hit him with a chalk on his head
3. Samson when called by Sasi Kumar (Kona vayi poochi payan) to work out an answer on the board, runs briskly to the board instantly, goes near him and says " I donno "!!
4. Sriram (again) laughs for a joke cracked by our guys durin class, gets caught by Germin Nisha and when asked why he was laughin , he goes like "He he, ulagatha ninaichen, sirichaen !"
5. Arvind goes upto Davidraj and asks him if he studied in IIT, to tell him the spelling of IIT first , for him to believe so..?!
6.Another incident that happened in d canteen when SK shaved his head, Mr LJ goes upto him and sarcastically says "Yaaru pa idhu engayo patha madhiri irukudhe..", to which Raghu replies "Onnum illa sir unga hairstyle a thaan avan ippo try panirukkan !!"
7. Finally , me, going like "Endha b**** da en mela chalk piece adichathu", when (U know who ;) ) hit me with a chalkpiece on my head!!
8. (As narrated by Sathya) Once we were playing shuttle badminton, when Mr.LJ was taking rest, he was explaning to arvind that once when he was playing cricket the ball hit his finger and finger got twisted....then he showed his leg and saying when he was playing foot ball or kabadi (i dont rememeber exactly) at that time some one fell to his toes and it got bent ...as n when he was saying so ...arvind started laughing and asked him ... "Unga vayi epadi sir ippadi ayidichu ?" :P (I m not sure his answer was, anyway, but antony gave a nice explanation for it !!)
IF u remember more, send em to me and ll add it here :D
Sunday, 9 March 2008
The GURU - Shri Karthikji :)
As any of you may know Karthi, he is the quietest guy in the class, the most soft-natured pal of the class and the ideal match for any girl (Still considering his wife d luckiest in d world !!)
Anyway this guy was in my next room and had a split personality - One as actor Madanbob in the morning and as actor Vijay in the night.. He supplied all of us with compact discs frm the first semsester till his reputation was damaged by one frustrated client in our class :)..Thus arose the name "CD Karthi".He loved eating outside a lot and u can get a list of good places to eat in and around chennai from him. The best contribution to Indian Soceity by him is his "LIFT POLICY".
It states that :"If you have a car, then only that car is yours..but if you don't have a car, u can ask for lift in any car on the road as all the cars are yours.. In the same way, if you have a girlfriend, the only that girl is yours, but if you don't have one all the girls are yours" :D
He always visualised himself to be a policeman ( for obvoius reasons ;)!!) - Karthikselvan IPS - CD Police - - His Goal -- To eradicate video piracy in Tamilnadu -- To which he was a victim once upon a time ;)...If any of u can guide him into becoming an IPS it would be much appreciated..He has the oddest taste for songs (The mokkaiest songs are melodies according to him..:P) Die hard fan of Kamal Hassan.. He was also called 'Blue Baby' after Environmental Engineering classes started ( Guess why ?! )
Jokes apart, a guy with a big heart who would lend a hand to anyone ( i mean anyone & this aint Social Service :P ) who comes to him for help, especially if its computers & technology !
D Most happening people ;)

It all happened when we went for the all famous hyderabad (Industrial) tour..The only damn outing we ever had with all our classmates ;'(..
Back to the fun part, it was Easwar who came and told me that some of the girls (including Priyanka) were laughing at him when he took the lift to the floor where our rooms where..So he was goin to ignore her and not even give a recognition smile when he sees her..After which he came and told me and was pretty enthusiastic that he ignored her 3 times..
It was the next day which was the final day of our tour when v were (finally) allowed to shop..We were left at kothi bazaar, which was quite a busy street (like ranganathan street, Tnagar) with a road like an incline upward.. We were all busy shopping in groups, buying stuff for ourselves and the ones at home..Suddenly all the people around me disappeared into thin air and I decided to start lookin for antony.. It was then I started to look for Antony..Then Raghuveer came along pretty much losing the people around him..So we both decided to look for him together.. We started to climb up the incline when Raghu spotted Easwar, and we still continued to go up the incline when both of us spotted Easwar with Priyanka and we started goin like "Aeeeehh Oooohh..."..It was at this moment i spotted Easwar carryin Priyanka's bag ( Wotta moment , that too Raghu & me , who always teased Easwar spotted him - Bad luck for him and good luck for us..:P) And Easwar was 'PUMBING' when i saw him with her bag.. That was d end of d incident and a start of d biggest Kalasals of all time.. ( The hidden part of this incident was that Sriram was carryin her bag and immediately gave d bag to Easwar on seein Raghu..Guess he was aware of what was comin :) )..
Eventually he said he was doin 'Social Service' to her and always loved to help others (Notice the contrast of statements in the third and fourth paragraphs)..Then came nicknames for him such as Porter, Kooli, Pai Thooki, Kooli Koli, Koli Pumber etc to the ones he already had ( He was already called Koli, OB - Observation Boy ).Anyway this was one incident that was memorable and every single person of E&I 06 knew about it..
Note to girls : If u want any help or social service, pls contact Easwar @ TCS..He may be busy, but hey he's never too busy too help !! ;)
Friday, 7 March 2008
Junior S.P.B

Eating Time :)
Neverthless in semester 7 onward eating in class was pretty casual as our stomachs started rumbling right from 3rd period.. Our target would be Koti's lunch first as he bought papad and chips pretty frequently... Next would be antony's tiffin box which had some non-veg stuff in it... We would never touch Mr.K.Bhakyaraj's tiffin box as it mostly contained drum sticks... This reminds me of Annamalai ( Dooma Mama ), who got the award for the "Maximum usage of our College mess" (despite its shitty taste), who paid Rs 17.5 for the food but ate for Rs 87.5 always, which made the mess construct a Statue for Annamalai to honour him for eating their food (and still suviving) ;)...
Ok back to the situation.. I would call my class (or would thank the management) the best comapared to others simply because of the "Tap with a drain", where we washed our hands after our mid-class snack... Everytime the Professor turned to write something on the board, we would immediately scurry to the back bench (where Sasi, Masco and Gowri were already sleeping :) ) and wash our hands... Cuz cleanliness is required in whatever v do isn't it ? :P..
One gutsy eater was Arvind, who din give a damn about the lecturer and eats oranges in the first bench.. And one of the girls puttin nail polish sittin in the first bench in d class ( Beauty comes first , i guess :P )...
Once again thank the management for their innovative thinking to help the students help eating in class.. Kudos to them!!
The Start of Semester 7
Final Year @ college was the best of all the years mainly for 2 reasons.. One of them was because there were less subjects to study and secondly it was prject time - the most vettiest time of your college life...
One incident that keeps flashing to my mind when I m reminded of my final year is a breakthrough in kalasifying - Student teased with teacher.
A lil bit of background about this guy - This guy was one of the few who was not teased with any girl in our class ( while most of us were..) and this was a great opportunity for him to tease otheres without gettin teased back... There were times when a single person was teased by a gang of our class mates and this guy used to bump and and tease him badly...
All this ended when 'The Teacher' for Management Science came.. D perfect time for this "Ultimate teaser" to get caught... Like all other incidents, she was teased with another guy , Rajaraman.. But fate changed and eventually she was teased with Kumaran..( thnx to me actually :))...
It all started when out Mgmt Science teacher peeped into our class when some other class was going on... I shouted "KUMARAAANNN" in a different voice, naturally for d reason tht i shud not get caught... Incidents later led to the ma'am calling Kumaran and inquiring why his name was shouted when she came to class ?.. His reply was "Ma'am , I dono..they are simply blabbering.."
After that it was total enjoyment for d class ( ofcourse for me ;) ) to get back at d "Ultimate Teaser" who was terrorising us with his one-liners.. Everytime it was Management Science class and ma'am used to come in, i took pleasure in shouting "KUMARAAN.."..And there were days when both of them wore matching color dresses..Those days it was "MATCHING KUMARAANN..".. Fortunately for us ( and unfortunately for him ) she was also the lab incharge for one of our labs..
The ultimate turning point came when Ma'am came to know that she was indeed teased with Kumaran in class.. Arvind calls Ma'am and tell her to ask why Gokulnath is sighting one particular girl in our class... This ma'am , immature as she is, goes upto Goklunath and puts up Arvind's question.. Gokulnath, in his anger replies "Maam, even you are teased with Kumaran"...!!
U might have expected her to go and complain to HOD about it, but nah!, she dint !!... ( It's still a mystery why ;) ! ).. After that the routine of shouting :KUMARAAN continued, even in the 8th semsester , when she took TQM for us...Ofcourse, she was acting ignorant about it and everytime she asks questions to Kumaran in class all the guys go "Aeeeehhh....Ooooohhh....Aeeehh....", which results in Kumaran blushing in a 1000 vibrant colors...:).. And that hand-shake she gave to Kumaran 'ALONE' when he got placed in Essar.. (PRICELESS !! ) .. It is believed that Kumaran dint sleep for days after that incident...
Its still a mystery why she quit her job as soon as we graduated in 2006.. (We are still assuming tht she has moved to Gujarat, for obvious reasons ..:) )..
Ok this is the first incident , hope u ll enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Da Introduction
So lets start away hoping that i have the time and memory to get whatever i can in this blog...