One guy who can never be forgotten for his female fans following is Prathap.. Every girl in E&I and other departments , including juniors had their eyes on him...Statistics show that there is a significant increase in female workers in the IT industry (especially Wipro) after Prathap got placed.. This has led to such adverse effects that people are getting kicked out from IT companies due to over-flooding of female employees (one example being the recent fiasco at TCS)..
Anything electronic can be related to Prathap, starting with "P-N junction diode" (which was his Univ exam lab experiment), just after this unofficial "Notty boy" was named so by Shivaraman.. It was the start of the set of 'meaningful' ;) abbreviations that can be related to him..A few of em tht i cud remember are :
ESB - Existing signal betrayal
MSR - Multiple signal reception
NSI - New signal intake
POC - Point of correlation
After this died down, his interest in playing shuttle during the TIES period cause him to take interest in Table Tennis Bats which resulted in "The Chinna bat - Periya Bat scandal" :P ( Pls ask him wat it is as I cant explain more )!!
Then after topping the class in the semester exams, his interest shifted to class toppers in the juniors and their interaction with them.. It was after this, he saw 'someone' in a nighty, which disturbed his sleep soo much that he din do well in the cycle tests ( More elaboration can be asked from Prathap ofcourse ).. And last (but NEVER the least :P) is an sms to 'another someone' saying "HI GIRLFRIEND" after he got into Wipro...
This led to the construction of Prathap's bridge (analogous to Wheatstone bridge) in memory of hi continuing services..
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