Just thought I d write a story for one of many inspiring people in my college life ( the real reason is that I made a graphic and thought I'd write a story on it :P) .. Its about my pal Karthi... Btw, to all of you, credits to nambi for showing me the site where i enhanced my graphic, from the amateurish 'Paint' application I always used before..
The Scene :
A college student decided to do Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering just because he was forced into it but his ambitions and interests were else where ( Don't think its girls..If you realise, he is the patent owner for "The LIFT policy" ). Nevethless he started off in college hostel making friends, majorly a large fan base because of his large collection of err....videos which he liberally distributed to all the hostel inmates without any 'boundaries'.. Naturally, for every deed there will be an opposite reaction ( Newdun's 3rd law ) and this anti-social element which I would like to call as 'Little-Pot' started to publicly embarass him in front of our classmates which stopped him from giving us the err..videos...
At the same time, which is always the case, every bad experience teaches new things in life. He embarked on a mission to stop what he had become a victim of. So in the mean time, in order to build up his capital he married a telugu girl and became a 'golti'.. Naturally, in order to keep up with his in-laws he spoke *butlar* telugu by adding '-lu' to whatever word he used, to give it the telugu effect.. For example : Naanlu orulu nallalu payanlu (Naan oru nalla payan in tamil), Orulu paththulu roobalu kadanlu kidaikumalu? (Oru paththu rooba kadan kidaikkuma?) and others *U can figure out the rest anyway!!*. This gave him the name Golti Karthi in the first semester..
Neverthless, his mission to stop 'PIRACY' was at the back of his mind and he was masterminding the plans to go about it. To start off, he assumed dual roles, one of them is Vijay *without the spectacles, with contact lenses* in the morning and the other is Madhan Bob *with the glasses* so that nobody could figure out his true identity on and off college. Apart from that, he used to get up in the morning and run 10 rounds around the college playground to keep his physique in perfect shape.
Finally after 4 years of strenuous effort, he wrote his IPS exam and finally became a police officer, which was his long term dream. Still in his dual role, one for the world and one his real face, he works as Engineer in Rockwell Automation in the morning but secretly is Karthik selvan I.P.S, Special Wing, Video Anti-Piracy Squad., combatting the circulation of err...videos that he was once victimized by..
Our salutations to this sincere police officer of Infosys Police Station.. JAI HIND!!
There was also another name for this great man... CD Karthi...
Mark, can you explain what "little pot" means?
Little pot means 'Sombu' :D
dai kadaisela ennada ...Infosys police station .... :( :(
and who was that telugu girl ... ?
any pointers?
lol...guess em both dude ;)
he he he thats a funny one..i want to see karthick reaction when he read this.the typical karthi reaction "asho, en da eppudi"
LOL he din speak to me for like a week and went like "Dei en maanatha vangite le, ippo unaku santhoshama?!"
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