Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Abnormality is an advantage !

After a certain incident, which I will write about in future that happened about 6 months ago, I got intrigued about gayness or homosexuality. I had once considered it as a 'freak show' put up by the people in the United states, as u find the wierdest of people there from attaching artificial stuff to their bodies to piercing all places curved and hollow..

Once I was quite convinced that gay people existed even in India and was aware of indian gay sex talk (which is pretty disgusting for me), I tried reading articles and vidoes to find out what caused such an abnormality and also what they felt about women. It is pretty hard to differentiate a gay man from a striaght man, espcially in India, the place where I come from. I stumled upon a gay forum in which one of the users asked the forum members what their opinion was on seeing hot chicks.

I was shocked to hear that they actually realised they looked good physically but would never be sexually attracted to them. They found men sexually attractive even though a few of them were married and had kids. The interesting info I gathered from them is that they are popular with girls but since their thought process is like theirs and girls inturn would like have such people as 'friends'. The other thing is that gay men are the best at choosing clothing for women.!

So, my conclusion is, take gay men for shopping, and girls, if some u figure out some guy thinks like you, its probably best to have him around ;) !. On a final note, from my personal observance diary, a gay man's mannerisms are girlish !

1 comment:

Holy Grail said...

mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm.... i thought the only change in u was the nationality.. L.O.L

One thing that amused me in ur post is ur futile attempt to conceal ur interest in the subject :)